The Georgia Missions Project
Q. What is the Georgia Missions Project?
The Georgia Missions Project is an entry experience into the world of missions for young men and women. It is an opportunity to do some serious work, get trained from God’s Word, and experience diving into the unknown challenges of our God-given mission to carry the gospel to the world. The Georgia Missions Project will prepare you for the greatest mission ever assigned.
Q. When?
June 2-8, 2024. We will start at 7 p.m. on Sunday night. The Georgia Missions Project ends on Saturday at 9 a.m.
Q. Where?
Grace Farm, in Dewy Rose, Georgia
Q. What kind of work will we be doing?
Carpentry, Masonry, Painting, Landscaping, Trail building, etc.
Q. I don’t know much about working so how can I be of help?
No experience is required! Our adults will show you what to do. Just come with energy, desire, and a willing attitude. Watch what God can do through you!
Q. Do I need to bring tools?
Bring work clothes, boots, and gloves. You don’t need to bring tools.
Q. Why do I need a support team?
Missionaries need support teams, and you are a missionary! Your support team will have your back through prayer, financial support, and encouragement. You need them, because missions is a team effort.
Q. How much is the support level that I need to raise?
Only $195
Q. My parents give me everything I need; why can’t they just write a check?
We want you to have the full experience of being a missionary so we prefer that you raise your support. We want you to learn to communicate, build relationships with adults, and trust God to supply for you. This is way better than just being supported by your parents, although you definitely want your parents on your support team.
Q. Will people really care about supporting me?
Yes, but you need to communicate. Missions is made up of “goers” and “senders.” Let people know that you are passionate about going. Do a solid job of giving them the facts and you might be surprised at how many people will be glad to help send you.
Q. Can I really do it?
You’ll need to move, act, and do. Be passionate. Be intentional. Trust God. Without Him you can’t. With Him, you can!
A Note For You
Below are the links to download our Registration Form and a Sample Support Letter for the Georgia Missions Project.
*Don’t forget to personalize the sample support letter that we have provided you with before you send it out to your potential supporters! Remember to keep your potential supporters informed about what what is going on too! We are looking forward to this adventure with you at our personal favorite week of camp, the Georgia Missions Project!
More Info, Please!
Are you hesitating because you want more info? Please don’t hesitate to contact us, and we would be happy to assist you. You can also email us for more information at:
Don’t miss out on a great opportunity to do something BIG for God because you didn’t ask a question or two. We are looking forward to connecting with you!